lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

how to be a perfect couple? Part 1

How to be perfect couple? Part 1.

  1. Earn her trust and keep it:
 It so important to make true the things that you promise. I mean if you said that you going to be there no matter what it is important to show to her or him that really going to be there. That´s about trust. 
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2. Confide in each other about things.
 Be opeing, said the truth no matter what bacause in that way you can build trust and emotional intimacy in your relationship, which will help your love last

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3. Be willing to compromise.

  • Always listen intently to what your partner is saying before replying.
  • When you’re listening to your partner, don’t just listen so you can reply; listen so you can understand.

  • Avoid being judgmental, and always try to see things from your partner’s perspective.
4. Practice patience and forgiveness.
 It is important that when you say “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you” that you really mean it. and to your relationship

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5. Enjoy some time apart from each other. 
When you’re in love it’s natural to want to spend all your time together; however, spending time apart is also an important component of a happy relationship. Cultivate and pursue separate interests and activities so that you can each have some time to yourself. Try taking a painting class or joining a recreational sport league. Having separate interests will help you grow as an individual and give you experiences to share with your partner when you come back. Plus, missing your partner can help remind you how important they are to you
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  • Sandoval ,A. (2015). Aviable 14th September of 2015 on:  
  • Cazar, J. (2015). Aviable 29th April of 2015 on: 
  • Sandoval, A. (2012). Aviable 7th April of 2012 on: 
  •  Wilson, J. (2005). Aviable 10th December of 2005 on:,d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNE015QjhjwRDUbv7tPgw-TTbxlPDg&ust=1473211084687706. 
  • Harrkia,L. (2016).How to be a perfect couple.  Published on 4th july 2016 

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