lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

Facts and Lies

LIE: I’m really good at it.
TRUTH: No one is.

 According to ThinkSale. (2016). ¨Your brain isn’t designed to focus on more than one thing at a time, and an attempt to do so results in splintered focus, and, according to this interesting research out of Stanford University, cognitive damage. (Travis Bradberry did a nice distillation of the study on Forbes.

 I mean no one can stray focus in a lot things at the same time because it is to dificult to do something rigth. 
IResultado de imagen para Multitasking human gif
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LIE: It makes me more productive!
TRUTH: It makes you less effective.
According to ThinkSales. (2016). ¨An inability to filter information means an inability to effectively prioritize. And if you can’t prioritize well, you can’t make good decisions. I’ll add this: When the researchers tested a theory that perhaps heavy multitaskers had better memory function which allowed them to organize information? That theory did not pan out. In fact, multitaskers fared worse in the memory department¨. 
If you can’t remember what you were doing a minute ago, let alone what you have to do next or later, and a compromised ability to know what’s worth paying attention to, you’re going to have some real problems getting things done, let alone getting ahead.

  • ThinkSales. Multi-Tasking Is Making You Less Productive. Aviable 2016 on:
  • Trespicio, T. (2015).The 3 Big Lies About Multitasking That Will Cost You At Work.  Aviable 10th March 2015 on:

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