lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

Multi-Tasking Is Making You Less Productive

According to Business Insider.(2014). ¨Most situations, multi-tasking is a misnomer – the person juggling email, text messaging, Facebook and a meeting is really doing something called “rapid toggling between tasks,” and is engaged in constant context switching.¨

I mean the multitasking don let you make the things rigth so is not god. 

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  • Business Insider.(2014). Why Multitasking Is Bad. Aviable 20th November of 2014 on:
  • Fora Tv. (2011) .Why the Human Brain Can't Multitask. Aviable 17th June 2011 on:
  •  ThinkSales. Multi-Tasking Is Making You Less Productive. Aviable 2016 on:

Why Humans Are Bad at Multitasking?

It may not be uncommon to see someone typing out an email on their phone as they walk down the street, listen to music as they read the newspaper on the subway, or stare at a computer screen with multiple windows and tabs open. But despite constantly juggling different activities, humans are not very good at multitasking, experts say.

Dividing attention across multiple activities is taxing on the brain, and can often come at the expense of real productivity, said Arthur Markman, a professor in the department of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin.

"There's a small number of people who are decent multitaskers — this concept of a 'supertasker' — but at best, it's maybe 10 percent of the population, so chances are, you're not one of them," Markman told LiveScience. "The research out there will tell you that there are a couple of people who are good at it, but it's probably not you.

But if practicing an instrument can improve a musician's performance, can the same be done to a person's brain to train it to be more effective at multitasking? Psychologists say it's unlikely, because multitasking involves actively thinking about more than one thing at a time, which can overload the brain's working memory.

"Human beings have a limited capacity for information processing, so after a point, it's not clear if we're capable of doing more," said Gloria Mark, a professor in the department of informatics at the University of California, Irvine. "It's possible that there is a learning curve, and people could train themselves to be better at multitasking, but most people won't be able to sustain that over long periods of time.


  • Chow, D. (2013). LiveScience. Why the humans are bad al multitasking. Aviable 13th July of 2013

 Is multi-tasking a good thing? 

Many people believe that multitasking is the only way they cope in our world of task and information overload but the reality is that the brain is incapable of actually focusing on two things at the same time. A frontal part of the brain called Broadman’s Area 10 is supposedly responsible for the brain switching from task to task, and whereas we may think we are multitasking we are actually getting good at switching from task to task more seamlessly.

The current generation have seemingly started to use this part of the brain better than the previous generation, as switching from homework to Facebook, to using Skype on their phone are normal daily activities. Bilton says that our brains are adapting, not evolving but adapting to the increased stimulation that modern life brings. Video games may also be responsible for the development of multitasking capability in terms of attention, hand eye coordination and visual and spatial problem solving.

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I recently saw Bilton speak at the Dublin Web Summit and at least 70% of the audience tapped away at their laptops, iPads or smartphones while he spoke. Some were note-taking, some were checking out his book or his website, and others were busy tweeting, blogging or communicating online in some form or another. I’m sure most attendees thought they were listening to the talk, but I believe that their attention was split and not all would remember what was said. They inevitably had to experience the “zone in” and “zone out” of task-switching to some degree.


  • Crenshaw, D. (2014) Aviable 1st September of 2014 on:
  •  Conlon, C, (2015). So You Think You Can Multitask? Think Again.. Aviable 2015 on:

Facts and Lies

LIE: I’m really good at it.
TRUTH: No one is.

 According to ThinkSale. (2016). ¨Your brain isn’t designed to focus on more than one thing at a time, and an attempt to do so results in splintered focus, and, according to this interesting research out of Stanford University, cognitive damage. (Travis Bradberry did a nice distillation of the study on Forbes.

 I mean no one can stray focus in a lot things at the same time because it is to dificult to do something rigth. 
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LIE: It makes me more productive!
TRUTH: It makes you less effective.
According to ThinkSales. (2016). ¨An inability to filter information means an inability to effectively prioritize. And if you can’t prioritize well, you can’t make good decisions. I’ll add this: When the researchers tested a theory that perhaps heavy multitaskers had better memory function which allowed them to organize information? That theory did not pan out. In fact, multitaskers fared worse in the memory department¨. 
If you can’t remember what you were doing a minute ago, let alone what you have to do next or later, and a compromised ability to know what’s worth paying attention to, you’re going to have some real problems getting things done, let alone getting ahead.

  • ThinkSales. Multi-Tasking Is Making You Less Productive. Aviable 2016 on:
  • Trespicio, T. (2015).The 3 Big Lies About Multitasking That Will Cost You At Work.  Aviable 10th March 2015 on:


Multitasking, in a human context, is the practice of doing multiple things simultaneously, such as editing a document or responding to email while attending a teleconference.

The concept of multitasking began in a computing context. Computer multitasking, similarly to human multitasking, refers to performing multiple tasks at the same time. In a computer, multitasking refers to things like running more than application simultaneously.

Current computers are designed for multitasking. For humans, however, multitasking has been decisively proven to be an ineffective way to work. Research going back to the 1980s has indicated repeatedly that performance suffers when people multitask.

A few research findings about multitasking:

  • For students, an increase in multitasking predicted poorer academic results.
  • Multitaskers took longer to complete tasks and produced more errors.
  • People had more difficulty retaining new information while multitasking.
  • When tasks involved making selections or producing actions, even very simple tasks performed concurrently were impaired.
  • Multitaskers lost a significant amount of time switching back and forth between tasks, reducing  their productivity up to 40%.
  • Habitual multitaskers were less effective than non-multitaskers even when doing one task at any given time because their ability to focus was impaired.
  • Multitasking temporarily causes an IQ drop of 10 points, the equivalent of going without sleep for a full night.
  • Multitaskers typically think they are more effective than is actually the case.

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  • Trespicio, T. (2015). Aviable 10th March of 2015  on: 
  • Wigmore, I. Multitasking (in humans) (2013). Aviable 4th August of 2013 on: 

Media Vs Couples 

In nowadays he media is so involved with the relationships that the people have it. 
In the past the people send card´s love for their lovers and now they just send messages to them. Before they do not have a lot of ways to communicate as now. But the things doesn´t change anyway because even when in the past the people get mad, they stop to answer such as they do now. 

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"We all know that 'perfect' couple with the fun-loving Facebook wall and gorgeous Instagram feed. We also know how unhelpful they can be on those tough days when we feel like our relationships are on the rocks," Verily's Monica Gabriel Marshall wrote this week. "They look so happy, so carefree - what am I doing wrong?"
These perfect couples weren't created overnight. They are the result of years of hard work and continual efforts to make their relationships stronger.

How to be a perfect couple? Part 2.

6. Encourage your partner. 
Help your vouple to do something, give to her o him the support for do whatever they want to do because they need encorage for become their dreams in true.

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7. Respect each other. 
The respect is important with your couple because that´s what make you feel comfortable in a relationship.

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  • Don’t ever try to manipulate your partner or use their secrets against them.
  • Don’t ever betray their trust.
  • Always remember what you value in your partner, and never take them.

8. Work on the relationship continually.
The relationship needs love and calm and time because is healthy for everyone got it.
9. Be affectionate. 
It is important for people feel like they are loved 
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10. Always make time for each other.
 It will help keep the spark alive. Because when pass the time with your love you going be a better person and you going to learn for her or him.
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  • Harrkia,L. (2016).How to be a perfect couple.  Published on 4th july 2016. Aviable on: 
  • Nuñez,B. (2004). Aviable 7th October of 2004 on:
  • Gamboa, G. (2010). Aviable 22th September of 2010 on: 
  • Garmendia, L. (2012). Aviable 12th March of 2012 on: 
  • Gallego, S. (2001). Aviable 23th August of 2001 on: 

how to be a perfect couple? Part 1

How to be perfect couple? Part 1.

  1. Earn her trust and keep it:
 It so important to make true the things that you promise. I mean if you said that you going to be there no matter what it is important to show to her or him that really going to be there. That´s about trust. 
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2. Confide in each other about things.
 Be opeing, said the truth no matter what bacause in that way you can build trust and emotional intimacy in your relationship, which will help your love last

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3. Be willing to compromise.

  • Always listen intently to what your partner is saying before replying.
  • When you’re listening to your partner, don’t just listen so you can reply; listen so you can understand.

  • Avoid being judgmental, and always try to see things from your partner’s perspective.
4. Practice patience and forgiveness.
 It is important that when you say “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you” that you really mean it. and to your relationship

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5. Enjoy some time apart from each other. 
When you’re in love it’s natural to want to spend all your time together; however, spending time apart is also an important component of a happy relationship. Cultivate and pursue separate interests and activities so that you can each have some time to yourself. Try taking a painting class or joining a recreational sport league. Having separate interests will help you grow as an individual and give you experiences to share with your partner when you come back. Plus, missing your partner can help remind you how important they are to you
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Aviable on:,d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNE015QjhjwRDUbv7tPgw-TTbxlPDg&ust=1473211084687706. 


  • Sandoval ,A. (2015). Aviable 14th September of 2015 on:  
  • Cazar, J. (2015). Aviable 29th April of 2015 on: 
  • Sandoval, A. (2012). Aviable 7th April of 2012 on: 
  •  Wilson, J. (2005). Aviable 10th December of 2005 on:,d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNE015QjhjwRDUbv7tPgw-TTbxlPDg&ust=1473211084687706. 
  • Harrkia,L. (2016).How to be a perfect couple.  Published on 4th july 2016 

What is a perfect couple? 

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Resultado de imagen para perfect couple we heart it
                                                                 According to Harrkia,L. (2016):
 A “perfect couple” is a happy couple that learns to enjoy each other’s differences and works together every day to create something special. Great relationships require effort and care to endure and evolve so that both partners continue to feel fulfilled. Even the happiest, healthiest relationships take hard work and commitment, but the reward of enduring love is definitely worth it!

In my opinion...
 A Perfect couple is the one who can live with the imperfections of each other.” Couples are never perfect for each other nor should they seek flawlessness. Every individual is different in nature and behaviour. It is not possible that your partner will be just like you, except in very rare cases. You can get attracted to anybody, most of the times the person you fall in love with is totally different from you. This is the reason why opposites attract. So seeking excellence in any relationship is a little dim-witted.

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  • Dueñas, L. (2013) Aviable  21th on october 2013:
  • Harrkia,L. (2016).How to be a perfect couple.  Published on 4th july 2016 
  • Mendez, D. (2014). Aviable 14th febrary 2014 on: 
  • Lara, P. (2012). Aviable 12th January of 2016 on: 

Perfect Couple: Examples 

In my opinion there is not a definition for ¨Perfect couple¨ because no one is perfect as a couple or as person.
I mean everyone have problems. 
But nowadays there are some couples who try to give the best of them for the relationship. 

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Dylan an Tara. 4th august 2016. Video aviable on: September of 2016. 
Anna B. 5th June of 2015 Video aviable on: 5th September of 2016.

martes, 19 de julio de 2016

Valentine´s Day In Japan.  

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Facts about Valentine´s Day 

1. In the two week period leading up to Valentine’s Day, American sales of gold jewelry lead to 34 million metric tons of waste.

2. The vast majority of roses sold for Valentine’s Day in the U.S. are imported from South America, wasting fossil fuels.

3. Valentine’s Day traces its roots to an ancient pagan holiday called Lupercalia, in which men stripped naked, grabbed whips, and spanked young women in hopes of increasing their fertility.

4. The Christian martyr St. Valentine was beheaded on February 14 for performing marriages in secret.

5. Research suggests that 75 percent of suicide attempts are attributable to relationship problems.

6. 46 percent of Americans will exchange Valentine’s Day candy. 
7. 67 percent of Americans are overweight or obese.
8. The first Valentine’s Day card was sent by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. He remained a prisoner of war for the next twenty-four years.
9. A recent poll found that one in ten young adults admitted to feeling lonely, insecure, depressed, or unwanted on Valentine’s Day. And that’s just the ones that admitted it. 
10. Forty percent of people have negative feelings towards Valentine’s Day.
11. The famous St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, in which seven Chicago gangsters were gunned down on February 14, 1929, was one of the bloodiest in mob history (pictured above).
12. 64 percent of American men do not make Valentine’s Day plans in advance. 13. Candy hearts taste like crap.
14. Even if you’re really, really in love right now, you’re still going to die eventually.

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(ListVerse Staff. 2010). 10th Febrary of  2010. Aviable on: 

Is  Valentine´s day  a bussiness celebration? 

February is the month of the colourful celebrations of Carnevale. Lovers and romantics of all kind, however, will be quick to remind us February is first of all the month of roses, hearts and chocolate boxes: it is the month of Saint Valentine. Absolutely adored by the most romantics, mocked by many and embraced with flair by singles, who go out in group to celebrate their freedom, Saint Valentine is, in Italy as almost  anywhere in the world, the festa degli innamorati,  the day of lovers. As such, the day of San Valentino is criticized by those who sees it pretty much as nothing more than a commercial celebration, pumped up by chocolate producers and jewelery makers (... and restaurateurs. And florists. And... very much anyone producing or selling something that can be gifted). It is, in this, associated with other quintessentially "commercial" feasts, such as Mother's day, Father's day, the 8th of March.  In truth, all of these have historical or religious roots, their meaning running much deeper than their – nowadays preponderant, one must admit– commercial aspect. Mother's Day is celebrated in Italy on the first Sunday of May, the month liturgically dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Father's Day falls on the 19th of March, the day of Saint Joseph (... I know, in the US is celebrated in June...) and the day dedicated to all women, the 8th of March, is on the anniversary of one of the largest marches for women's emancipation and labor rights, that took place in New York in 1908. It is undeniable these celebrations are today, for the most part, a heavily commercialized affair. Take Saint Valentine's day: it is estimated that, each year, about one billion Valentine's cards are sent all over the world, whereas chocolate and candy sales usually reach profits of 1.011 billion USD. About 50 million roses are sent worldwide and more than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold. And these data don't even look into the hospitality and jewelry businesses, two of the main protagonist of the 14th of February's gifts exchange.


(Bezzone, F. 2016). 11th Febrary of  2016. Aviable on:

San Valentine´s Day 

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Most people celebrate Valentine's Day by sending their loved one flowers, cards known as valentines, sweets, and other gifts such as jewelry. Romantic dinners and champagne are other ways to celebrate. Anonymous gifts might be given to express feelings for someone without making it known. Decorations are made of hearts, red and pink flowers such as red roses, chocolates, and Cupid. Cupid is a winged figure with a bow and arrow. According to mythology, he uses his arrow to strike people in the heart so they will fall in love.

(CalendarDate. 2015). 19th September of  2015. Aviable on:

                  San Valentino 

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Leonhard Beck - Heiliger Valentin (Veste Coburg) di Leonhard Beck - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg

February is the month of the colourful celebrations of Carnevale. Lovers and romantics of all kind, however, will be quick to remind us February is first of all the month of roses, hearts and chocolate boxes: it is the month of Saint Valentine.
Absolutely adored by the most romantics, mocked by many and embraced with flair by singles, who go out in group to celebrate their freedom, Saint Valentine is, in Italy as almost  anywhere in the world, the festa degli innamorati,  the day of lovers. As such, the day of San Valentino is criticized by those who sees it pretty much as nothing more than a commercial celebration, pumped up by chocolate producers and jewelery makers (... and restaurateurs. And florists. And... very much anyone producing or selling something that can be gifted). It is, in this, associated with other quintessentially "commercial" feasts, such as Mother's day, Father's day, the 8th of March.

In truth, all of these have historical or religious roots, their meaning running much deeper than their – nowadays preponderant, one must admit– commercial aspect. Mother's Day is celebrated in Italy on the first Sunday of May, the month liturgically dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Father's Day falls on the 19th of March, the day of Saint Joseph (... I know, in the US is celebrated in June...) and the day dedicated to all women, the 8th of March, is on the anniversary of one of the largest marches for women's emancipation and labor rights, that took place in New York in 1908.
It is undeniable these celebrations are today, for the most part, a heavily commercialized affair. Take Saint Valentine's day: it is estimated that, each year, about one billion Valentine's cards are sent all over the world, whereas chocolate and candy sales usually reach profits of 1.011 billion USD. About 50 million roses are sent worldwide and more than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolates are sold. And these data don't even look into the hospitality and jewelry businesses, two of the main protagonist of the 14th of February's gifts exchange.

Of course, there is nothing wrong in celebrating this day with your significant other or to buy chocolates.
...Actually, if you wish to be nice for Valentine's day and make an Italian woman happy, you can send me all the chocolate you want, preferibly with peanut butter...
No...this wasn't my point. My point is, of course it's nice to celebrate and exchange gifts, but we shouldn't really need a day of the year to remember our partner is awesome (or our mom, or dad, or all women. You got the geist!). And, more importantly here for what you're about to read, do we even know why we celebrate love on Saint Valentine's day? Who was he and why is he associated with it? To find all this out, we may need to take a little step back in time, to the centuries of Imperial Rome and Christian persecutions, the centuries when the Catholic Church was still just known as Christian and was only then creating its structure and liturgy. These are the years of Saint Valentine, and this is the time our story begins...

The Basilica of San Valentino, in Terni, the saint's birthplace.

According with (Bezzone, F. 2016). Saint Valentine (or San Valentino, as we call him in Italy) is the patron saint of Terni, a quaint town in Umbria. He is protector of lovers and of people suffering from epilepsy and was born in 176 AD in Interamma Nahars, which is, indeed, know today as Terni. He is venerated by the Catholic and Orthodox church, as well as the Anglican. 

A pagan by family and tradition, as many other early saints, like saint Martin of Tours or Saint Augustine, father of the Church, he converted to Christianity when an adult. The first information on the figure of Saint Valentine come from the Martyrologium Hieronymianum (5th century)  the most ancient document on Christian martyrs extant. Its name derives from the fact that, for centuries, it had been erronuously attributed to Saint Jerome. In truth, its author is anonymous. Three centuries later, the Passio Sancti Valentini gives faithfuls more details about his figure and about his martyrdom; as many other Christians of the time, he was tortured and behaeaded at nightime, in Rome, his body carried to his birthplace of Terni to be buried by three of his disciples, who were in turn captured, tortured and killed, too. All this is narrated in the Passio.

(Bezzone, F. 2016). 11th Febrary of  2016. Aviable on:

jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

Some examples of truants. 

Truancy Prevention

Habitual truancy can be defined as unexcused absences from school by a minor that exceed the number of such absences allowed under state law. Each state has its own school attendance laws, which specify • The age at which a child must begin school • The age at which a youth can legally drop out of school • The number of unexcused absences that constitute truancy under the law (National Center for School Engagement N.d.) There are variations across the states in the mandatory starting age for school and the legal dropout age and variations across jurisdictions in the legally permissible number of unexcused absences from school (Education Commission of the States 2007) While truancy is widely acknowledged to be a nationwide problem, data collection and reporting issues at the school, local, and state levels make it difficult to find data that delineates the full extent of the problem (Heilbrunn 2007). Data is available from petitioned truancy cases, but since most truancy cases never reach a petition status this data can only suggest the breadth of the truancy problem. Between 1995 and 2005, the number of petitioned truancy cases increased from 32,800 to 52,400, an increase of 60 percent (Puzzanchera and Sickmund 2008). The largest relative increases were seen for 16- and 17-year-olds. Chronic truancy and absence (which includes excused and unexcused absences) often start early. Nauer, White, and Yerneni (2008), for instance, reported that 20 percent of elementary school students (90,000) in New York City schools missed at least a month of school during the 2007–08 school year. There were five districts where 30 percent of more of the elementary school students were chronically absent. Data from the Baltimore (Md.) Education Research Project showed that more than one third of the first grade cohort was chronically absent (that is, missed 1 or more months of schooling in 1 year) during at least 1 of the first 5 years in school (Balfanz et al. 2008). This early pattern lays the groundwork for the poor graduation rates from high school. The costs of truancy are high. Truancy has been clearly identified as one of the early warning signs that youths potentially are headed for delinquent activity, social isolation, or educational failure. Research has shown that truancy is related to delinquency, substance use and abuse, high school dropout, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and early sexual intercourse (Chang and Romero 2008; Henry and Huizinga 2005, as reported in Heilbrunn 2007; Henry and Huizinga 2007; Kelley et al. 1997; Loeber and Farrington 2000; Seeley 2008a). For instance, recent research shows that truancy is not only the most significant risk factor for predicting first-time marijuana use, but it also predicts 97 percent of first-time drug use (Seeley 2008a). These early patterns have long-term costs for both the individual and society at large: according to the 2000 census, while 83 percent of college graduates and 71 percent of high school graduates were employed, high school dropouts had an employment rate of only 52 percent (Walker 2007). In addition, decades of research have also identified a link between truancy and later problems in marriage, 

Alzate, C. (2016)

Is truancy a crime? 

Truancy is an act that is an offense only because of the offender’s age, meaning the same conduct by an adult would not be an offense or involve law enforcement and the courts.
Status offenses including truancy, running away from home, failure to obey parents and curfew violations, are generally understood to reflect family problems.
Federal law forbids locking up youth charged with status offenses.
In some states, when youth violate probation orders requiring school attendance, judges can order youth be locked up.
Some states charge parents for failing to ensure their children’s school attendance.

Macias, L. (2016). 

Reasons of truants

In Nowadays the truants are a global issue and that´s why is so important know why the people become in a truant.

And of the most common reason are: 

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But the causes or conquenses are in our daily life and some of them are: 

  • Victimization by school bullies, teachers, or school staff
  • Fear of school
  • Family issues, like abuse and neglect, or obligations to care for parents or younger siblings
  • Mental health issues, like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which are sometimes punished instead of treated, and can force youth to leave school
  • Failure of schools to tell parents of students’ absences: some school systems tell parents after one absence, others wait 30 to 40 days

And we just can´t scape of the reality 



Moya, K. ( 2016). 

What is truancy? 

According to (Oxford Dictionary, 2016). ¨The action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism¨ 

The truants are the one who just don´t go to school because they don´t want to, they just think that it is not important for them such another things. 


Most of the times they are in troubles, big ones that´s why they just don´t go to school, but some times they just don´t care school or they think that the world have more for them and they just don´t want to waste their time in school / Collage / Highschool. 
( Depends on the case). 

There are some examples about this teenager, because the most of the times they are 13-16 years old Such as: 

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  • Oxford Dictionary, 2016. Aviable on:  

Delgado, B. (2016).